The members of Saint Patrick Roman Catholic Parish, in the Diocese of Des Moines, are dedicated to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ as individual members and as a community in the tradition of the Catholic Church. We come together to draw our life from the Eucharist and other sacraments. As believers we participate fully, consciously and actively in the liturgy of the Church and seek to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ inword and action.
We commit ourselves to worship, education, stewardship and service as we extend our hand to others in need and to those who wish to join the church. By the grace of God, after the example of Jesus Christ, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we dedicate ourselves to accomplish our mission within and beyond our community.
Reflection Questions on Parish Mission Statement
The Parish Council invites all parishioners to pray for the parish that this Mission Statement may be a source of guidance in shaping the life and identity of St. Patrick Church.
How am "I living the Gospel of Jesus Christ" at home, in my activities, at work or school, in my community, in my parish?
"We come together to draw our life from the Eucharist and other sacraments"
As individuals we are formed into community through God’s action in our lives through the sacraments. We are called to be Church, the Body of Christ in the world today. How is my Baptism active in my life? How do I participate in the Eucharist, the "source and summit" of our Christian life? How do I build up the reign of God by seeking forgiveness of sins through the sacrament of Penance and seek to live a sacrificial life dedicated to the saving work of reconciliation and healing? How do the gifts of the Holy Spirit given in Confirmation enable me to live a Christian life? What is the role of the sacraments of vocation (marriage and ordination) in the missionary activity of the Church in the world?
"As believers we participate fully, consciously, and actively in the liturgy of the Church and seek to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ in word and action"
What do I do each day that helps me draw closer to God and keeps me focused on my faith (daily prayer, Mass, Adoration, spiritual reading)? What do I do to continue to learn about my faith?
"We commit ourselves to worship, education, stewardship and service"
What part do I have in the work of Saint Patrick Church? What area of church life could benefit from my participation? What areas of church life need to be strengthened? Are there people in the community who are not being served? How may we minister to them?
"and seek to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ in word and action"
How can I bring others closer to God and the Church? Do I reach out to others in word and action to exhibit compassion and give living witness of our Christian vocation?